The Academy seeks to educate and nurture a generation of Muslim citizens who are courteous and helpful to their communities and society as a whole. The academy’s mission is to contribute to the well-being, protection, and growth of society and mankind.


To position itself in the heart of rural communities by acting as a catalyst for economic and community development.


To prepare students, serve communities, and create opportunities by providing access to high-quality educational and lifelong learning opportunities.


The following points summarize the IQRA DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY, Inc. philosophy of education, which is geared toward individual and community development.

We will provide a secure and inspiring learning environment for students. We will provide students with a variety of knowledge, positive attitude, and skill development programs, as well as a comprehensive range of support, in order to level the playing field for underprepared graduates and create a path to preparation that will put them on track to meet their goals.

The students are aware of the importance of serving others while maintaining a sense of humility in their actions.

Students and staff will be challenged both in and out of the classroom to show respect for those in authority, adhere to Islamic principles, act responsibly, and treat everyone with courtesy in order to glorify God.

Islamic training for students to grow in knowledge and faith in Islam. By Allah’s grace, students and families will come to know Allah’s greatness and share Allah’s love with others.